• +254 779 148 030
  • +254 784 728 746
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Our Projects

Hort agro solution agencies consultants have wide experience in the fields of agriculture, project management and co-operative matters. They have undertaken various assignments and consultancies both in Embu county and Mt. Kenya region as shown below.
  • Seed systems and propagation techniques
  • Value addition of farm products.
  • Soil sampling and analysis.
  • Conservation Agriculture (Permiculture).
  • Farm Management /Entrepreneurship/Business strategic plans.
  • Market linkages and marketing information.
  • Water harvesting, irrigation and drainage management.
  • Natural resources management and farm refuse disposal.
  • Credit out sourcing and management.
  • Civic education — Attitude change, devolution, governance and leadership.
  • Agriculture — as a tool of peace, reconciliation, conflict and risk management.
  • Data collection & broad based surveys (BBS).

The Strategy the Firm Applies To Integrate Youth and Gender

To attain fundamental rights in labor matters, resource access, and decision making process on matters affecting the livelihood youth, men and women in the community.

Hort agro solution agencies performs Gender Analysis Matrix (GAM) so as;

  • To provide a systematic way of looking at the different effects of projects on youth, men & women.
  • To predict potential social & gender changes that might occur as a result of intervention and expectations by gender.

The Strategy to Incorporate Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanisms, and Socio and Environmental Safeguards

Monitoring and evaluation assist in routinely collecting & managing data that provides feedback regarding project progress implementation and a means of measuring, assessing, recording & analyzing project information on a continuous basis which include production, processing and marketing.

Hort agro solutions agencies supervise, observe & test activities and appropriately report to the client and other collaborators. This provides an ongoing verification of progress made toward achievement of objectives and goals.

Environmental Safeguards to be incorporated

  • Hasa ensures that the all the participants adhere to the applicable government rules, laws, regulations and legislations.
  • Hasa encourage clients to build water reservoirs so as to diversify from rain fed agriculture.
  • The income earned from the intervention by the beneficiaries is expected to improve living standard of the client.

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Professionally cultivate one-to-one customer service with robust ideas.
Dynamically innovate resource-leveling customer service for state of the art customer service.

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